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Enhancing E-Commerce for Education - A Carus Publishing Success Story (2014)

Carus Publishing, a renowned provider of educational and cultural content for a K-12 audience, faced a challenge: declining magazine renewal subscriptions. The objective was clear—revamp the e-commerce checkout process to cater to their primary audience, improve user experience, and boost subscription renewals


The existing checkout process at Carus Publishing was outdated. Customers, particularly the grandparents of readers, found the user interface unappealing due to small font sizes and a complicated process. This demographic, crucial for gift subscriptions, was not receiving the seamless experience they needed.

The Legacy website to re-design


To design a checkout process that resonated with the customer base—simplifying the journey, enhancing the visual appeal, and tapping into the sentimental value of gifting educational content to the younger generation.

Target Audience

The redesign focused on users like Mr. & Mrs. Jones, a retired couple with a deep appreciation for education and a moderately tech-savvy profile. Their user persona influenced every design decision, aiming to create an experience that was both intuitive and accessible.

Team and Responsibilities

UX Design and strategy

Following Baymard Institute’s best practices, we aimed to:

  • E-commerce best practices:
    • Simplify the checkout steps to the bare minimum.
    • Allow for guest checkout to accommodate infrequent users.
    • Increase font size and improve UI element visibility for ease of use.
  • High-quality visuals from Carus Publishing's magazines were selected to engage users visually.
  • Copywriting was designed to evoke the sentiment of gifting valuable educational resources, connecting with the user's desire to contribute positively to their grandchildren's future.
UX process and strategy. David Linke & Tonya Sutherland


Post-launch data showed a promising 25% increase in subscription renewals. The new design not only achieved its immediate goals but also provided Carus Publishing with the momentum to plan a shift towards digital publications, opening up new business avenues.


UX Flow - Happy Path

UX Flow - Mobile Happy Path

Lessons Learned

A deep understanding of the customer profile is indispensable. Incorporating sentiment into product offerings can significantly amplify the impact. Following established e-commerce guidelines helps streamline the design process, resulting in a user-friendly experience.


Carus Publishing's checkout redesign exemplifies how a customer-centric approach, combined with industry best practices, can lead to substantial improvements in business metrics. By focusing on user experience, visuals, and sentiment, the company not only reversed a negative trend but also paved the way for future growth.

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